- The minimum deductible amount must be $1,200 for self-only coverage and $2,400 for family coverage; increased from 2009 requirements.
- The out-of-pocket maximum must be no higher than $5,950 for individual or $11,900 for family coverage; increased from the 2009 requirements.
- The HDHP must be set-up with a combined medical/pharmacy deductible. This deductible must apply to the out-of-pocket maximum; no change from the 2009 requirements.
- All medical and pharmacy services must be subject to deductible and out-of-pocket maximum except for preventative services.
- The annual contribution limits are being raised to $3,050 in 2010 for individual coverage; increased from $3,000 in 2009. For family coverage the maximum is increasing from $5,950 in 2009 to $6,150 in 2010.
If you don't already have a compatible Health Savings Account component to your HDHP then it's time you switched. You're already having to ask your employees to pay a greater share of their health care expenses out-of-pocket; why not pay them with tax-free dollars. With a full court press of government takeover of health care just around the corner; you better make the switch now while you still can.
For more information on this and other employee benefits related matters; email me at bknauss@employeemployersolutions.com visit my website at http://www.employeemployersolutions.com/ or twitter me at http://twitter.com/mployebenefits