Thursday, March 4, 2010

Typical Washingtom Mistake: Asking The Wrong Question

I had the unusual opportunity, because of inclement weather, to watch much of the recent health care reform summit. After all, I do have a vested interest in the outcome. I listened intently from both sides about positions that, quite frankly, to the more than casual observer like me, are nothing new.  However, I was struck by the presupposition which has become the basis for the entire discussion on health care reform. That is, what part of the current legislation President Obama has put forward can they find common ground on? At first blush, it's sounds like a perfectly reasonable strategy. Then it struck me! We're asking the wrong question entirely. The question in Washington shouldn't be what do the Republicans like in the current proposal that they can support and find common ground on. Instead, the question should be. What, in our current health care system can we agree is good and, therefore, worthy of building upon? A natural follow-up question to that would be. What's broken that needs fixing? Democrats would argue that they are doing exactly that - fixing what's broken. However, their proposal is too far reaching, overly intrusive and would upset the delicate balance between proper government oversight and the free-market system.

Most, if not all Americans believe that our health care system is one of the best in the world - if not the best! So why should we take the approach that the whole system needs to be scraped in favor of a government-run alternative. There are many areas in the current health care system that are flawed and in need of change and restructuring so why not build on that framework for true effective reform? I'm always struck when an important foreign dignitary announces that they will be flying to the United States to have some sort of medical procedure done. That's not an accident by any means. They know that there best chance of medical success lies in their treatment in the United States. Indeed, our very Congressman and Senators take full advantage of all our amazing medical technological advancements. You don't see any one of them requesting to get treatment in another country. No, I'm afraid this is more about power and making history for the Democrat party rather then real, substantive change for all Americans.  That's really a shame because we do have the ability to make significant change.

If you're genuinely concerned about obtaining affordable health insurance for you or your family then email me at or visit my website at

President Obama: Acme Health Plans

In the recent health care summit that the President presided over, he made mention several times to "Acme Health Plans' when referring to High Deductible Health Plans (HDHP). This is just further evidence of Washington's elitist attitude toward health care options that don't conform to their view of the way the world should operate. Furthermore, his plan would all but do away with the incentives for Health Savings Accounts, therefore, rendering them a thing of the past. And for good reason. In order to pay for this massive cash cow, he has to take away the tax advantages associated with Health Savings Accounts. Instead, he should be revising the tax code to allow for individuals to deduct the amount of out-of-pocket medical expenses they incur throughout the year for co-pays and the like. Right now, the tax favor-ability only applies to individuals with Health Savings Accounts and employer-sponsored health plans.

I personally have many clients who have made the choice of going to a higher deductible plan because it made sense for them and their families.  Therefore, I find it offensive to make this characterization! To somehow suggest that individuals that choose to take a higher deductible to lower there monthly premium are actually buying "Acme Health Insurance" is just plain wrong and disingenuous on the part of the President and those who support their plan. There are many Americans that want the comfort of knowing that catastrophic medical claims would be taken care of under a high deductible health plan but don't mind paying for the smaller expenses such as office visits and prescription drugs out-of-pocket.  Especially, if the expenses are paid for out of a tax-free savings account.  To some individuals, prescription drugs may be a very big expense so a plan with a richer Rx component would be better for them.

There's a basic principal at work here that those in Congress are incapable understanding because they don't know health care and that is, the higher the deductible the lower the monthly premiums. Conversely, the lower the deductible the higher the premium. Those that choose higher deductible health plans would rather see the savings in monthly premium because that don't use the health care system that heavily. However, if they do have a catastrophic claims it's covered - many times at 100% with lifetime limits in upwards of 5 to 8 million dollars. All of these plans are provided by reputable, well-known companies like Aetna, United Health Care, Assurant Health, Health America, Capital Blue Cross and many more. It's just pain ignorance to imply that these plans are "Acme Health Plans". They are, in fact, a legitimate health care cost-reduction driver. The President and Democrats seem to be talking out of both sides of their mouths when they highlight how many Americans claim medical bankruptcy because of so-called catastrophic claims, while at the same time, look down upon a plan that allows for this very coverage for individuals to actually avoid bankruptcy.

If you'd like to understand more about how High Deductible Health Plans with Health Savings Accounts might benefit you or your company then email me at or visit my website at 

Confidence In Our Goverment To Manage Health Care?

I listened very intently as the President made his passionate plea for Congress to act on and pass the current health care legislation.  He spoke of the plight of millions of people who are currently without health insurance.  He also spoke about those that have serious medical conditions that either prohibit them from getting coverage or are in jeopardy of loosing coverage.  There's no doubt that these stories tug at the heartstrings of every American.  The President also made a statement that really hit me in a very profound way.  He said that the American people are waiting for them [the federal government] to act.  Moreover, that our future, yours and mine, depends on whether or not they act.

With all do respect, Mr. President, I think it's terribly arrogant to think that you, and those in Washington, can somehow take better care of my family then I can.  After all, you don't even know me or anyone in my family.  Aside from the few Americans you've spoken to about their plight with the current health care system, you really don't know anything about the rest of us.  And what in the federal governments history of implementing programs and services can you point to that is an overwhelming success, and therefore, warrants pursuing your proposal?  Isn't that what you're really saying, that the federal government is the only mechanism to bring about effective reform?  It seems to me that the federal government has a long-standing history of exactly the opposite - complete failure regardless of the party in charge! 

Don't take my word for it, let's look at some simple facts.  Over the last 70 years, the federal government has tried it's hand at many different business endeavors such as, transportation (AMTRAK), package delivery (USPS), health care (Medicare), welfare, food distribution (Food Stamps), the auto industry, retirement planning, financial institutions and many more.  Let's examine just a few that many Americans would be very familiar with.

First, we have the nation-wide package delivery system called the United States Postal Service.  The USPS hasn't actually generated any sort of profit for years and the recent announcement of canceling Saturday deliveries came as no surprise.  The fact is, that long before the popularity of email, the USPS was in financial peril.  If it weren't for a constant stream of funding from Congress - they would have to close their doors completely.

Secondly, we have the federal governments attempt at providing transportation in - Amtrak.  Again, if it weren't for the constant stream of operating capital supplied by Congress, this form of transportation would be gone.  I happen to believe that a high-speed rail system is vital to the growth of our nation and our economy but I don't have faith in the governments ability to make it happen.  If you look at how we rank around the world with respect to well operated high-speed rail systems we are at the bottom of the list.

Lastly, let's look at the federal governments fifty year plus experiment with a health care delivery system called Medicare.  Ladies and gentlemen, I don't care whether you're a Democrat, Republican or Independent.  We can all look to the current system of health care for seniors and consider it a failure on so many levels.  The President himself points out the need to provide massive funding to keep Medicare solvent for only another 10 years.  Most seniors are grateful to have the kind of coverage they have with Medicare but most cite the unending barrage of red tape, changes in regulations, cost and coverage as some of the biggest problems with the system.  The rules governing Medicare are so enormous that brokers like myself are required to go through a separate certification process just to be able to offer Medicare Advantage Plans.  After going through it, I understand why.

I haven't yet mentioned one other huge factor with all these Federal Government attempts at private sector ventures, they become huge political footballs for those who find themselves in power.  You need to ask yourself, is that what I really want for my health care?  Polls overwhelming show that the American people want some sort of health insurance reform.  But I think an even better question to ask the America people is, do they have complete faith in our federal government to run and manage the health insurance industry?  Or would they rather it be left to the health insurance carriers like Aetna, Health America, United Health Care and Capital Blue Cross?  The over-whelming response has to be - no to the federal government!  Base your decision on history - not on sound bites or talking points.  I do believe that there is a healthy combination of government and private sector reforms that would bring about meaningful change.  If you're interested to find out what those ideas are - email me.

Whether you agree or disagree with me I'd like to hear you make your case as to why or why not the Federal Government is better suited to run our health care system by emailing me at or visit my website at Thanks