Thursday, March 4, 2010

President Obama: Acme Health Plans

In the recent health care summit that the President presided over, he made mention several times to "Acme Health Plans' when referring to High Deductible Health Plans (HDHP). This is just further evidence of Washington's elitist attitude toward health care options that don't conform to their view of the way the world should operate. Furthermore, his plan would all but do away with the incentives for Health Savings Accounts, therefore, rendering them a thing of the past. And for good reason. In order to pay for this massive cash cow, he has to take away the tax advantages associated with Health Savings Accounts. Instead, he should be revising the tax code to allow for individuals to deduct the amount of out-of-pocket medical expenses they incur throughout the year for co-pays and the like. Right now, the tax favor-ability only applies to individuals with Health Savings Accounts and employer-sponsored health plans.

I personally have many clients who have made the choice of going to a higher deductible plan because it made sense for them and their families.  Therefore, I find it offensive to make this characterization! To somehow suggest that individuals that choose to take a higher deductible to lower there monthly premium are actually buying "Acme Health Insurance" is just plain wrong and disingenuous on the part of the President and those who support their plan. There are many Americans that want the comfort of knowing that catastrophic medical claims would be taken care of under a high deductible health plan but don't mind paying for the smaller expenses such as office visits and prescription drugs out-of-pocket.  Especially, if the expenses are paid for out of a tax-free savings account.  To some individuals, prescription drugs may be a very big expense so a plan with a richer Rx component would be better for them.

There's a basic principal at work here that those in Congress are incapable understanding because they don't know health care and that is, the higher the deductible the lower the monthly premiums. Conversely, the lower the deductible the higher the premium. Those that choose higher deductible health plans would rather see the savings in monthly premium because that don't use the health care system that heavily. However, if they do have a catastrophic claims it's covered - many times at 100% with lifetime limits in upwards of 5 to 8 million dollars. All of these plans are provided by reputable, well-known companies like Aetna, United Health Care, Assurant Health, Health America, Capital Blue Cross and many more. It's just pain ignorance to imply that these plans are "Acme Health Plans". They are, in fact, a legitimate health care cost-reduction driver. The President and Democrats seem to be talking out of both sides of their mouths when they highlight how many Americans claim medical bankruptcy because of so-called catastrophic claims, while at the same time, look down upon a plan that allows for this very coverage for individuals to actually avoid bankruptcy.

If you'd like to understand more about how High Deductible Health Plans with Health Savings Accounts might benefit you or your company then email me at or visit my website at 

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