Well, we've past the one year mark of the landmark passage of sweeping health care reform legislation know as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and I'm not sure a whole lot has changed since. Most of the clients that I visit with are still experiencing double digit renewal increases and they're not certain about what the future holds. Indeed, most of the more costly aspects of PPACA have already been implemented last fall and all of the carriers have to comply with the provisions that effect their plans like no annual limits on most procedures, no lifetime maximums, no co-pay for routine preventative care and covering dependents up to age 26. All of these measures had the impact of increasing the cost to the carriers and then, in turn, to you the consumer. The only aspects left to implement are the requirements on the states such as health exchanges and expanding the Medicaid eligibility roles. That's exactly where this legislation becomes a bit more dicey and uncertain.
Most states are having a difficult time meeting their current funding obligations, let alone, finding the cash to implement these massive new government bureaucracies. Which is why some 21 states have filed lawsuits in federal court challenging the constitutionality of the legislation. All this fosters more uncertainty about the state of our health care industry then ever before.
I don't think that repealing PPACA is likely but I do hope that many in Congress, as well as, the President will take a "drop back and punt" strategy with the remaining aspects of this legislation yet to be implemented. There are some common sense reforms that are needed and could be addressed rather quickly but PPACA was painted with such a broad brush that it's hard to see that happening anytime soon. Email me your thoughts at bknauss@employeemployersolutions.com or visit me on the web at www.employeemployersolutions.com
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