Monday, December 14, 2009

Medicare Changes For 2010

Section 102: Currently, Medicare outpatient mental health services require beneficiaries to pay a 50% co-payment under Part B. Other physician services under Part B require only a 20% co-payment. A phased reduction in this co-payment for outpatient mental health services begins in 2010. In the actual statute, the current co-payment amount is not described as “50%”. Rather, it defines what counts as incurred costs in such a way that the result is a 50% co-payment. So, the current statute counts incurred costs at 62.5% and this results in a 50% copayment for beneficiaries. In 2010, instead of incurred costs counting at 62.5% as they do now, they are counted at 68.75%. Once the definition of incurred costs reaches 100%, there is parity.

Section 112: Currently, the Medicare Savings Programs (QMB, SLIB, QI-1) have countable resource limits of $4000 for an individual and $6000 for a couple. This provision increases the amount of allowable resources for applicants to these programs so that it is the same as the resource limit for the full low-income subsidy individuals in 2010. The full low-income subsidy program has higher resource limits that increase based on a formula every year. Therefore, this change should result in an enrollment increase into these Programs, which can provide much needed assistance in Medicare cost sharing.

Section 113: Beginning January 1, 2010, SSA shall have in place a system for electronically transmitting information from an LIS application to the appropriate state agency that accepts Medicare Savings Program applications. Transmittal will only 4 occur with consent of the beneficiary. The information will be used to complete an application for the Medicare Savings Programs.

Section 115: Under the current Social Security statute, states are allowed to collect from the estates of deceased individuals any items or services under a state Medicaid plan that were provided to the individual when he or she was 55 or older. This Section amends the statute to eliminate that authority to collect from Medicare cost-sharing (the Medicare Savings Programs) beginning in 2010.

Section 116: With respect to applications filed on or after January 1, 2010, the value of a life insurance policy and in-kind support and maintenance will not be considered as income or resources for LIS determinations.

Section 118: This provision requires the Secretary provide the application for the Medicare Savings Program in the 10 languages (other than English) most commonly used by applicants for Medicare hospital insurance to states and the Social Security Administration. Such applications must be provided by January 1, 2010.

Section 176: Beginning with the 2010 plan year, the Secretary is required to identify categories of drugs and require that all drugs in those categories that are Part D covered drugs be included on all plan formularies. Such classes must meet specific criteria. It is generally expected that the current 6 protected classes would meet this criteria. The Secretary is also allowed to establish exceptions to this requirement for particular drugs within the class, including allowance for benefits management tools. However, any of these exceptions must meet particular criteria and can only be allowed after notice and comment.

Section 187: A report is due no later than two years of the date of enactment (July 15, 2010) that will describe the extent to which providers and plans are complying with Title VI prohibition against national origin discrimination affecting limited English proficient persons and the Office of Minority Health’s Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) Standards. This report shall also make recommendation on improving compliance and enforcement of CLAS Standards.

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