Friday, January 8, 2010

The Year of the Broker

With all the changes to health care being talked about in Washington today, the consensus seems to be that employer groups are going to be more likely to seek out the expertise of a professional employee benefits broker. In the past, employer groups have been largely split on the value and benefits they derived from dealing with a professional. Some, have been under the false assumption that if you go through a broker your premium will go up to compensate for commissions being paid out - that's just not the case. Rates are the same regardless of whether or not a broker is involved. The same is true for the individual market, yet still, many people try to got it alone on-line to secure the right health care coverage for their family. Here are some interesting facts:

Plan Sponsor's Current and Future Use of Benefit Brokers
  1. Currently use a broker/consultant - 83%
  2. Use of broker/consultant will increase in the next five years - 17%
  3. Use of broker/consultant will stay the same in the next 5 years - 64%
  4. Use of broker/consultant will decrease in the next five years - 8%
  5. Don't know how use of broker/consultant will change - 11%

* source Benefits Selling Magazine January 2010 edition

Regardless of where you stand on the whole idea of overhauling our entire health care system, it doesn't negate the fact that managing employee benefits going forward will not be reduced in the level of complexity but only increased. Underscoring the need to deal with a professional benefit broker. If you don't currently work with a broker/consultant or you're not happy with the level of service you've been getting from the one your with than we should chat. It's very easy to switch. I can be reached at:


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